Definitely for your sleek road or mountain bike!
8 times higher in males, most bicyclist deaths occur in urban areas (75%), with dangers accountable to no-bell on the bike.
But what if yours look sexy & sound like an angel playing the glockenspiel?
Engineered for quality sound, you can control it a dynamic range to choose between a polite courtesy ring to a 90dB-headphones-penetrating ding!
Minimal Bell will ring 3x longer than others!
With its drool-worthy design, superb quality builds, and spectacular acoustics, the MinimalX Bell is your ultimate bike bell.
It’s one with both; a beautiful tone and a remarkable style.Set out to be tailored for cyclists who don't like bells, it has a unique "invisible" design.
Maintain your minimalist style!
The light and strong 45g of inox steel alloy never compromise on your efficiency, and the small 30mm x 20.5mm size leaves plenty of empty space on your handlebar!
- Invisible Design
- Material: stainless steel + brass
Installation Process:
- See mounting holes
- insert and lock ring
- tight the Allen screw